Meet Dr. Monea…
If you saw Dr. Monea strutting around her small Pennsylvanian town, you may see her with three babies, a yoga mat, and a laptop in tow. As a racial justice speaker/trainer, yoga teacher, and mom, Dr. Monea touches every life within a 1000 mile radius. She’s a voice for the voiceless and lives her life as a megaphone for peace and justice for all.
Guided by Dr. King’s racial justice philosophy, Dr. Monea fuses her Ph.D. in Sociology, over 16 years of Federal Government service, her 500-hour yoga teacher certification, and mommy intuition to deliver jaw-dropping, tear-jerking, speeches for audiences yearning for racial justice transformation.
Dr. Monea grew up Washington, DC, where she returned to attend graduate school at Howard University after she completed her Bachelor’s of Arts at Washington and Lee University. Her voice is calm, yet assertive, while her influence is motivating yet direct. She’s spoken and trained hundreds of people from the Mid-Atlantic area all the way to South Africa.
Her background includes a myriad of ingredients that cook up a good recipe for racial justice and healing, such as project management, organizational climate research and analysis, workforce development and training, professorship, and survey data analysis. She’s a magnet to any person or organization that is serious about being more welcoming and inclusive to all.
Her life’s mission is to “eliminate racism one heart at a time.”
Ready to meet her?
Schedule a FREE consultation today.

Click here for a full, professional biography of Dr. Monea.